Thursday, October 22, 2009

Connections From Speak To Common Problems In Schools

In this section of Speak the author makes several inferences to major problems in many school districts. One is the repetition and commonness of bullying in the school. This is well illustrated through Melinda being out casted by the closest person she had, Heather. This happens when Heather joins a school club called the "Marthas." Melinda helps Heather look good for the group and takes no credit because she knows that Heather will be scrutinized for asking Melinda to help with the assignment. After Melinda leaves the "Marthas" make fun of Melinda by calling her creepy, making fun of her clothing, and asking what is wrong with her lip. Another issue that was shown in this section was when Mr.Neck censored his classes debate on immigration, I found this very interesting and extremely wrong. Mr.Neck opened a discussion and then stopped it because he did not like a student's answer, he then sent that student to the office. In my mind this is an example of breaking freedom of speech.

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