Friday, October 23, 2009

Valentine's Day and Losing a Friend

In this section once again Melinda is losing more and more control over her life. The downward spiral begins when Heather confronts Melinda about her weird personality and deepening depression. At this point Heather no longer feeling close to Melinda at all anymore cuts off all ties in order to try to save her own reputation. Melinda doesn't seem especially surprised by this happening and admits that she was never very close to Heather but is still hurt to now be truly all alone. Soon after this it is Valentine's Day which is just another reminder to Melinda that she doesn't have anyone to talk to. When she finds a card taped to her locker she hopes that it is someone professing their love for her but it turns out to be Heather trying to be nice to Melinda but the card is more of a stab in the heart because it got her hopes up only for them to crash back down and be reminded that Heather is too embarrassed to be her friend. Melinda also has been caught skipping school and had a meeting with the principal, guidance counselor and her parents. They realize that Melinda is not being rebellious but has an emotional problem. Although the school sees this they do not react correctly by getting her help but instead set up a punishment plan for Melinda for acting out.

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