Thursday, October 22, 2009

Getting To Know Melinda Better

As I have continued reading the novel Speak more of Melinda's personality has been shown. You can see that Melinda has some social issues through the stuttering while trying to explain herself to the librarian when she was late to study hall. Melinda also tries to hide from reality by making a secret hideout in a deserted janitor's closet, and begins skipping class and spending time in there alone instead. Some of the causes for her problems are also illustrated during this section, like talk about her calling the cops at a party and girls saying mean things and pulling her hair who had once been her friends. Melinda, although she doesn't realize it, express her inner feelings through art. Right after the incident in the gym with the girls pulling her hair she began painting very dark pieces of art, many of which had dead or partially dead trees in them. This really shows how Melinda was feeling at that time. I feel that another personality trait that comes out during this section is Melinda's choices to sit in the back of her classes and constantly being prepared for a traumatic event to happen.

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